About Our Customer

Believers Pawn is a family owned, faith based business providing pawn services to the communities they serve. The owners, Eric & Cecilia, felt led to charge approximately half the maximum allowable interest rate, compared to most other pawn industry competitors.

Believer’s Pawn wants people to obtain the cash they need, while making it more affordable to retain, and eventually regain their possessions, if they so choose.

The Ultimate Compliment

Referrals and word of mouth is the ultimate compliment. Believer’s Pawn was referred to Bravo by a friend who loves Bravo.

“We definitely made the right decision choosing Bravo."

Responsive Customer Support

Bravo’s customer support mission is to WOW its customers. To do so, customer support must be quick to answer, knowledgeable, and able to help.

“Bravo has been excellent and responsive to our needs. The Customer Service Team has been helpful and has solved our problems.”

Favorite Features

Bravo can be tailored to pawnshops of all sizes, whether you’re new to the business or a long-time pawnbroker.

"We love that the reports Bravo offers cover the important things. And, it is user-friendly and easy to learn.”

Are you ready? 👉 Let’s work together!

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