Celebrating Milestones and Embracing the Future: A Year-End Reflection from Bravo Store Systems CEO

Dear Valued Customers,

If you know me, you know that in December I look for inspiration everywhere. Some takeaway that puts a nice, fat bow on the current year and a lesson on how to achieve joy, success, and gratitude in the following.  

And boy did I find it at the Garth Brooks’ residency show in Las Vegas (iykyk!). The show is magical, personal, reflective, and full of takeaways and lessons. It captured perfectly how to bid farewell to 2023 and eagerly step into the promises of 2024. So here's my heartfelt summary of Bravo’s journey and a glimpse into the exciting path that lies ahead inspired by my top 3 lessons from Garth.

1. Surround Yourself with Excellence: Building Bravo's Dream Team

In 2023, Bravo experienced remarkable growth, expanding from 60 to 85 passionate individuals. We doubled our development and support teams, ensuring we have the right people in the right seats. Welcoming new executive leaders has brought fresh perspectives, and I am confident that our dream team is now more energetic and amped up than ever before.

2. Stop & Smell the Roses: Cherishing Moments of Growth

In the whirlwind of growth, it's crucial to pause and appreciate the journey. Bravo's growth from its inception, marked by the recent expansion of our team, is a testament to the intentional moments we've taken to appreciate our achievements. Onboarding new hires has been a privilege, and each addition has contributed to the vibrant and diverse culture we're proud to cultivate at Bravo.

3. Don't Take the Gig for Granted: A Grateful CEO's Reflection

2023 has been a jackpot year for Bravo, and I feel fortunate for the challenges and successes we've encountered. The joy of running a growing company lies in how we handle challenges and celebrate success. To our incredible customers, your support is the cornerstone of our success. Thank you for believing in our software and vision; we promise to never take it for granted.

Proudest Moments from 2023: A Year of Achievements
  • Team Growth: Welcoming new, passionate team members has been a highlight. We are a diverse group united by a common vision, and onboarding has been a privilege.

  • MobilePawn Milestone: Surpassing 1 million consumer downloads of MobilePawn has been a remarkable achievement. What started as a vision in 2014 has become a product cherished by both customers and consumers.

  • Twilio Challenge: Facing challenges head-on, we rose to the Twilio challenge. Urgency and teamwork defined our response, and we are committed to ongoing efforts to ensure our customers' satisfaction.

Looking Forward to 2024: An Exciting Future Awaits

As we step into 2024, our focus remains on building Bravo from the inside out. Happy employees equal happy customers, and we are dedicated to making a difference for both. Highlights for the upcoming year include speaking at SHOT Show, meeting customers on the road, and continuing to innovate software that not only meets, but exceeds, your needs.

Gearing Up for 2024: A Vision for Excellence

Reflecting on our achievements in 2023, it's evident that innovation fueled our success. From tradeshow to gunsmithing enhancements, we prioritized efficiency based on user feedback. Our lively User Group sessions were a source of inspiration, directly influencing our 2024 product roadmap.

In 2024, our journey continues with a focus on MobilePawn's expansion, refining retail solutions, and pushing the boundaries of technology with AI and machine learning. The future of Bravo Store Systems burns brightly, and we are grateful for the incredible community rallying behind us.

As we embark on this exciting journey into the new year, I express my deepest gratitude to our supportive family, our dream team, and, most importantly, to you—our amazing customers. Your loyalty is the fuel that propels Bravo forward, and we pledge to continue placing you as the hero of our story in 2024 and beyond.

Gratefully Yours,

Tally Mack
CEO, Bravo Store Systems